Task attributes
Written by
Bob Stolk
Dec 4, 2024
Task attributes
Written by
Bob Stolk
Dec 4, 2024
Task attributes
Written by
Bob Stolk
Dec 4, 2024
Estimates in Complex.so
Estimates help you measure the effort or complexity of a task using story points. You can assign story points to tasks with values of 1, 2, 3, 5, or 8, where 1 represents the simplest tasks and 8 represents the most complex or time-consuming ones.
What Are Story Points?
Story points are a relative measure used in task management, especially in agile workflows, to estimate the effort needed to complete a task. They account for factors like complexity, the amount of work, and potential uncertainties, without relying on specific time estimates.
Grouping and Sorting by Estimate
You can organise tasks by estimate using grouping or sorting:
Grouping by Estimate: This option creates sections for each story point (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, or Unestimated for tasks without an assigned estimate) and organises tasks under their corresponding group. This gives you a clear overview of tasks based on their relative effort.
Sorting by Estimate: Sorting arranges tasks within their current column or list based on story points. You can sort from Shortest to Longest (1 to 8) or Longest to Shortest (8 to 1). This helps you plan effectively by focusing on simpler tasks first or tackling complex ones early.
By using estimates, you can better plan workloads, allocate resources, and ensure your team stays aligned on priorities.
Estimates in Complex.so
Estimates help you measure the effort or complexity of a task using story points. You can assign story points to tasks with values of 1, 2, 3, 5, or 8, where 1 represents the simplest tasks and 8 represents the most complex or time-consuming ones.
What Are Story Points?
Story points are a relative measure used in task management, especially in agile workflows, to estimate the effort needed to complete a task. They account for factors like complexity, the amount of work, and potential uncertainties, without relying on specific time estimates.
Grouping and Sorting by Estimate
You can organise tasks by estimate using grouping or sorting:
Grouping by Estimate: This option creates sections for each story point (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, or Unestimated for tasks without an assigned estimate) and organises tasks under their corresponding group. This gives you a clear overview of tasks based on their relative effort.
Sorting by Estimate: Sorting arranges tasks within their current column or list based on story points. You can sort from Shortest to Longest (1 to 8) or Longest to Shortest (8 to 1). This helps you plan effectively by focusing on simpler tasks first or tackling complex ones early.
By using estimates, you can better plan workloads, allocate resources, and ensure your team stays aligned on priorities.